if you're wondering what happened to the entry i made with the subject "A FAGGOT GETS HIS DUE, WHICH IS FAGGOTRY" (PLEASE SEE), it's gone because some comment-deleting shitlicker who's probably weeping with self-hate into his Jew skullcap right now at the monumental adversity his bad writing brought upon him decided to go whining to LJ Abuse. (i'm lookin' at you, Casey Schreiner the accountant from New Zealand!)
solj_abuse sent me this email:
i don't want to create any trouble becauselj_abuse has (or rather, had) hot babes like
jessical, so i immediately deleted the entry. i know that they rarely delete etc etc etc, but i think this is funnier. I'M SORRY THAT CASEY DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THE INTERNET
and i'm very saddy poo that he deleted all my comments on his weblog because they were pretty funny. he also banned me from
his journal, which sucks even more.
here is my reply tolj_abuse, because i know that in their hearts they're sympathetic:
i love you and you've always done a great job (well, minus the time you went banhammer-happy, but that didn't affect me so who cares). i'll delete the post as soon as i back it up and print it out so that i can make seven thousand copies and physically mail it to my friends for laughs. i'm doing this because i checked the TOS and unlike most retards i realize that you're well within your rights and privileges to ask me to delete etc.
i'd just like to clarify a couple of things though:
a) there's absolutely nothing wrong with the use of casey schreiner's full name without permission. if you check communities such asdebate or say
kurt_lives_on, you'll see that livejournallers routinely use the names of people like george bush and kurt cobain without permission (and often in derogatory circumstances when it comes to our beloved dubya). mr. schreiner, such as he is, is a public figure who by his newspaper column sacrificed a certain amount of privacy. i believe that as long as i'm not inciting people to harass him via his weblog or so on and as long as my criticism remains objective (which admittedly it didn't), i have the right to use his name. and people critique other blogs all the time: just ask any will wheaton reader! plus, google tells me that there are other casey schreiners in the world, so i *might* be referring to them too, right?
b) i know you guys don't care about the disclaimer about reproducing your emails since i've seen it a couple of thousand times in my drama-whoring friends' journals, but i'm asking for permission to reproduce it so that i can stay on your good side. (actually i'll reproduce it anyway and if there are problems i'll take it down immediately.)
c) i didn't link to or use his photograph. jesus guys, i might post pictures of my butt clenching a drum key, but my taste isn't _that_ bad.
anyway, my apologies for this inconvenience. it's four thirty in the morning and while i've never understood the concept of abuse as being negative, i can appreciate the hard work you do. i would have liked it a lot more though if when mr. schreiner came crying to you you guys asked him to get a dictionary and a life.
yr pal
arafat kazi AKAfuthman.
now here's a little lesson for you livejournallers:
legally i can precede anything with "i think" and it'll be OK. so i can for example say "i think that Casey Schreiner (any of the hundreds of casey schreiners in the world) is a little furry faggot who misses being buttraped by his roommate." it's only bad if i assert it. therefore, saying "Casey Schriener (the philatelist from Finland) is a midget-fucker whose seedy mother sold one too many tricks for crack and that's how he was born" is illegal (were i to say it), because i'm claiming that a certain chain of events are true when they might not be (although i doubt it). HOWEVER, LJ doesn't hold itself to the legal mumbo-jumbo. in the TOS brad made sure that livejournal has the right to deny you service if you do anything that they consider objectionable. i.e. the decision's up to them. THEREFORE, my calling good ol' CS a little faggot, while it may be perfectly legal, is still non-kosher by LJ's standards. that's why i so willingly deleted my post. PLEASE NOTE THAT I LEARNED OF THIS IN A FREDERICK FORSYTH NOVEL AND IT MAY BE COMPLETELY UNTRUE FOR ALL I KNOW.
HOWEVER, like i said in my email, i saved the little faggot's (i'm not specifying who, although if it's not an ex-columnist of the freep who now works as a hole-in-the-wall bucketboy in LA i'd be surprised) drama as an HTML page. i will now link it to my own site, which has nothing to do with livejournal except act as a host to my smileys like the jolly, the cool
or the slutty
. so here you go. in case you missed it, here's my livejournal post that i was asked to delete. it's called A FAGGOT GETS HIS DUE, WHICH IS FAGGOTRY
p.s. i will respond to comments made in this journal in my earlier entries soon! love you guys muah!!!