NatureZak: Arafat, I'd be pleased if you could share the delicious rumors circulating on slim merit but much appeal. Something about my habits of stalking?
Azalea Kafka III: oh yeah
Azalea Kafka III: i heard you were stalking your ex-girlfriend
NatureZak: Charming. Your source?
Azalea Kafka III: let me ask him or her if i can say
Azalea Kafka III: because my shooting off the mouth is one thing
NatureZak: Invite him to say hello to me.
Azalea Kafka III: all right
Azalea Kafka III: don't stalk me though please :-(
Azalea Kafka III: all right dude i can't say who it was
NatureZak: "Reaction formation."
Azalea Kafka III: but i take full responsibility
Azalea Kafka III: and apologize if it's untrue
NatureZak: I rather suspect it is Jayson.
Azalea Kafka III: which doesn't matter to me to be honest
Azalea Kafka III: since i value hilarity above all else
NatureZak: You are invited to confirm or deny or pass.
Azalea Kafka III: i'd pass if you don't mind
Azalea Kafka III: because whoever told me told me alone and i was the one who mentioned it as a Funny Story
Azalea Kafka III: although don't worry, i haven't told anybody else!
NatureZak: Hilarity shouldn't be given precedence over the feelings of those who are harmed from such gossip.
NatureZak: I am under the impression that you have told, though that of course might be untrue.
Azalea Kafka III: i've told only danielle
Azalea Kafka III: although i can ask shaula clark if you want whether i've told her or not
Azalea Kafka III: but i don't think so
NatureZak: I'll take it up with Jayson, who makes quick confessions when confronted and complicit.
NatureZak: If it is him, he has, as they say, "a big fucking problem."
Azalea Kafka III: dude, all i'm saying is that i take full responsibility
NatureZak: If it isn't, the search continue.
Azalea Kafka III: and i apologize
Azalea Kafka III: if you're offended
Azalea Kafka III: and i can apologize to danielle too if you want!
NatureZak: I am not offended. I am mightily disgusted by "gossip," which has this evening so far resulted in two weeping women and one outraged man, in addition to my stated disgust.
Azalea Kafka III: although like i said
Azalea Kafka III: i don't care if it's true or not
Azalea Kafka III: allah
Azalea Kafka III: i love gossip though :-(
Azalea Kafka III: third-world browns!
NatureZak: I am not particularly concerned with your opinion of the rumor's truth. Though maybe a little irritated by people who prefer a default position of "neutral," rather than the more intellectualy imperative "skeptical" that helps diminish the spread of unfounded bullshit.
NatureZak: Let's all grow up please. No chit chat behind backs and such. People have been hurt and are hurting, and will continue to be hurt by the shameless indulgence of gossip.
Azalea Kafka III: zak, believe me because i've never had anything against you and it wouldn't do me any good or harm to deny or confirm anything: i honestly don't care about whether it's true or not
Azalea Kafka III: and i'm sorry that you're offended
NatureZak: I do not care.
Azalea Kafka III: and i apologize
Azalea Kafka III: but like i said, i usually don't care about whether something's true or not
NatureZak: Apology accepted on condition that we try collectively, as a society, to not give attention to things that are not our business.
Azalea Kafka III: dude i can't answer for society as a whole, although i'm sure you'll find to your benefit that most people are less shameless
NatureZak: Consequences follow. In this case, they have fallen on others, in the form of jealousy, suspicion, and the opening of old wounds. In the future, consequences will be more deliberate.
NatureZak: In any case, stick to high standards. Let your source know I'll be in touch, and am not pleased.
NatureZak: Lay off the skullduggery, it suits you less well than humor.
Azalea Kafka III: i don't think they're entirely different
Azalea Kafka III: but i'll keep it in mind
NatureZak: I do not have a high opinion of people who profess a personal conflation of whispered gossip and delight. You shouldn't either.
Azalea Kafka III: eh it's one thing speaking impartially but it's another when i'm one of those people
Azalea Kafka III: although i'm taking this as a character judgment of arafat kazi and being completely honest
NatureZak: I cannot say I know any good methods for dealing with self-loathing.
Azalea Kafka III: it's glee, not self-loathing!!!! >:o
NatureZak: Straneg thing to admit with such defiant pride. Should I thank you for granting me license for unambiguous disgust?
Azalea Kafka III: sure, if you wish
Azalea Kafka III: like i said, i don't care either way
NatureZak: Benefit of the doubt is so fucking labored. I'd be pleased to pass judgement without any mitigating sympathy.
Azalea Kafka III: yes except i'm not asking for any benefit of doubt you see
Azalea Kafka III: which always screws up sanctimoniousness
NatureZak: "Sanctimony" might be what you meant, said the pedant. Since you have insisted on being an undiluted dick, I'll be blunt. I'd be pleased if you could please mind your own business about my business.
Azalea Kafka III: sanctimony is different from sanctimoniousness
NatureZak: It isn't funny, talking about others, unless you think causing pain is good times.
NatureZak: So do not.
Azalea Kafka III: and you're not writing a paper, you're on AIM. so your ten dollar words, impressive while they may be, don't accomplish their teleological end of awing me :-)
NatureZak: Your evasion of responsibility by attending to my vocabulary is truly impressive.
Azalea Kafka III: you're the one that criticized my grammar
Azalea Kafka III: and i'm not evading responsibility at all
NatureZak: Mind your own business, about my business. It is not funny, and has many people tonight.
Azalea Kafka III: i'm saying that i don't care either way
Azalea Kafka III: i thought it was a funny story
Azalea Kafka III: and now with your psychotic AIM behavior i think it's even funnier
NatureZak: What I care about is your propogation of the myth.
Azalea Kafka III: you mean my propagation of the "myth"?
NatureZak: Lay it bare: do you have any feelings about the fact that you have made many people upset tonight?
Azalea Kafka III: not really, no
Azalea Kafka III: and i didn't make "many people" upset, i made one person upset
Azalea Kafka III: and i apologized to him
Azalea Kafka III: except he had to go and ruin it with his moral high-handedness!
Azalea Kafka III: so i take back my apology, sir
NatureZak: You are mistaken. Many more people know about your gossip, and are upset.
Azalea Kafka III: well in that case maybe you should stop telling them about what an absolute cad and incorrigible bounder i am
NatureZak: Evasion of responsibility.
Azalea Kafka III: i think you're mistaking evasion of caring for evasion of responsibility
NatureZak: I'll repeat. Your involvement in gossip has unneccesarily caused people to hurt tonight. So, I encourage you to not indulge in such chat, especially when it concerns me.
Azalea Kafka III: oh and by the way, if you try any physical violence towards me i'll call the police
Azalea Kafka III: you can encourage all you want, what pity i felt at the beginning of this conversation is gone
Azalea Kafka III: and now i'm just laughing
Azalea Kafka III: and i think i'm probably justified
Azalea Kafka III: hell i should look up public records and find out if the restraining order actually exists
Azalea Kafka III: and i would too except i'm too lazy to care
NatureZak: In review: I point out to you that you have hurt people tonight with your childish gossiping, and you leap beyond apathy into the realm of threats.
Azalea Kafka III: en fin: i don't fucking care, and if you fucking lay a finger on me it's police time
Azalea Kafka III: it was nice talking to you
Azalea Kafka III: now i'm going to block you
NatureZak: Ripe reason for a review of your choice of company, and personal principles.
NatureZak: Goodnight, Arafat.
Azalea Kafka III: and please don't shout my fucking name at four AM
Azalea Kafka III: from outside my window